
I look forward to connecting with you. Please feel free to leave a comment right here on the site, or you can reach me by:

Tel: 905-392-1685


Newmarket,  Ontario

7 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Looks great! Cheers!


    • Sharon on said:

      Thanks so much Nick for your kind comment. Looking forward to this exciting chapter in
      my life. New year, New Website. Love ya.

  2. Bev Haynes on said:

    Sharon the new website is awesome!! The set up of the website is easy to navigate and you have outlined all the services, workshops etc in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood, and informative.
    I look forward to my reading.
    Thank you and big hugs. Bev

  3. Pinky Xavier on said:

    Congratulations !
    Great presentation, a wealth of information and very interesting Services and Workshops offered. The Animal Totems and Power Animals is one of intrigue.
    Wishing you great success !

    • Sharon on said:

      Hi Pinky,

      Thanks so much for your kind remarks. The Animal Totems and Power Animal workshops are very
      popular because they are very empowering and act as a guide and a personal profile. I am using my
      Power Animal gifts now to support me as I am balancing a number of projects and working to get them
      out. Right now I am Elk Woman. I will be sharing more information on Animal Totems soon. Please check back again often.

  4. Pingback: Butterfly – A Totem of Great Beauty, Transformation & Rich Teachings | Sharon de Ryck

  5. Pingback: Reflexology Treatments – Healing Through the Sole | Sharon de Ryck

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