Your way to success in every aspect of your life.
It was 30 years or more ago that I attended a wonderful Seminar by Career Track called Power Talk that alerted me to the power of words and phrases. I was shocked to find out that many of my expressions and the words I used in my daily interactions were considered by the trainer running the course to be Powerless! It was quite a shock to me to realize that I was speaking and not really making an impression. In fact, I lacked what today is called the WOW factor!
That Power Talk Seminar was a life-changing and a life-enhancing experience for me. Here I was the Executive Assistant to the director of Human Resources of a large US company and one of my most important job functions was interviewing and signing up every new employee in Ontario. Of course, we had a company spiel that I followed for inductions. However, after that Seminar, I must admit my presentations were given with flair and a lot more power phrases. I deleted what was termed Powerless phrases, words and expressions from my presentation and injected instead some Power Talk. I started to watch what came out of my mouth, and how I presented the company and its amazing benefits to new employees. I noticed that I held the attention of the inductees 100 percent and it became a dialogue of questions and answers instead of just them listening to the old spiel.
One powerless phrase that the presenter hammered into our heads to get rid of was “I will try!” It is absolutely one of the most powerless phrases there is. Instead, a power talker would say “Do leave it with me ………………..”. Another powerless phrase is “I’m not sure!” a Power Talker would respond positively with something like “It will be interesting to find the answer to that!” I have no doubt we can all think of countless ways to be enthusiastic and answer with Power Talk phrases.
Power Talkers must be aware to use their voice for Emphasis when speaking. It is advisable to not use words that cloud or hide the message you are trying to convey. Speaking too fast and too loud sometimes actually loses the attention of the person or persons you are talking to. They will start tuning you out, so it is advisable to slow down and lower your volume if you want to catch their attention for a point you are making.
Today 30 years later we have progressed on the Power Talk circuit to knowing and understanding the energy of words. We can now consciously delete words from our vocabulary which are considered low vibration or powerless words and instead use only those words that are of a high vibration.
Many of us know from experience that school was not meant to teach us how to succeed in life. I cannot recall any of my teachers explaining that words have energy and that high vibrational words carve a path to succeeding and attaining one’s goals. Today we know that simply by programming the brain using high vibrational words, and phrases, we can attract positive results in our everyday life situations. On the other side of the equation, low vibration words and sentences when used continually only serves to attract negative results.
After the Career Track Seminar, I became the speaker and the watcher. Whenever a negative word or phrase left my lips unconsciously, I made a mental note to not repeat it a second time. Years later when I read Yvonne Oswald’s wonderful book Every Word Has Power, I started using the word Switch to alert me when I unconsciously found myself falling into the low vibration word zone.
In mentoring and presenting Motivational workshops I came to realize there were words and phrases that had to be avoided and deleted from people’s vocabulary. In order to set goals and use only positive life and career-affirming words and phrases, I mentored individuals to totally remove from their daily way of expressing themselves what I termed P.O.M.’s (Poor Old Me) using low vibrational words and phrases. The energy of those words and phrases felt heavy and burdensome. I imagined them weighing the individuals down and keeping them stuck in all areas of their lives. The transformation from low vibration to high vibration words and phrases when they talked made such a huge difference in their lives and careers. Indeed! Words do have power!
I would love for you to share how you changed from Low Vibrational talk to become a Power Talker.