
Great sages, spiritual wisdom teachers and many ancient teachings all tell us to Follow Our Hearts.  This “cry” has been heard  for millennia, and yet in various stages of our lives many of us found it prudent and necessary to nurture the heart and follow the mind.  For example, many family “bread winners” have had to overlook the whispering of the heart in order to bring home the bacon, while working in companies where heart is shunned and the mind rules.

It was a great day when I took the Bronze parachute offered me and fixed my compass to steer me through the uncharted waters of a new life and career guided only by my heart’s longing to be of service.  In the All Girls High School I attended I was in Brescia House – our colour was Red – Root Chakra. Our House Motto was SERVIAM which is Latin for I Serve, and so with the many Holistic Courses I had been taking over the years for “personal growth” turned out to be my unconscious preparation for a major transition from Mind to Heart Centered work.

Many women share how unhappy they are in the corporate world of “dog-eat- dog” mentality and would like to get the confidence to leave and branch out on their own with a creative endeavour they have set their hearts on.  I always tell them, ‘when the time is right you will know,  or like myself something will happen to give you a push and the confidence to finally take that leap of faith’.

Here are some important life lessons I learned along life’s highway as an entrepreneur and have had the privilege of sharing with many of my clients and friends.  Some you may already know and practice, however repetition is known to be the best teacher in life.

  1. Your commitment to be of service to others is an important way of defining you and your business. The saying “people may forget who you are but they will never forget how you made them feel”, is so very true.
  2. Spend more time on the WHO you are, than what you do.  What you do will always be less important than who you become.  Knowledge is important.  However, it will never take the place of your soul light, your heart’s wisdom, your courage, your integrity, or your reputation as someone who can be trusted and who keeps her/his word.  Always try to keep your word.
  3. Life is often filled with challenges and obstacles. When you find yourself challenged, get in the habit of asking yourself the following three questions:
    1. What is the lesson for me?
    2. How can I grow from this experience?
    3. Am I living and fulfilling my Life Purpose?
  4. Clean out your messes! What is a mess?  It is anything that uses up your energy in a non- productive manner. E.g. untidy office, desk, living space, also friends/people who drain your energy – avoid them as much as possible.  Anything that scatters or uses your energy stopping you from being productive.  That is a mess!  In Feng Shui a clear space opens up for all your manifestations and dreams to appear in your life. (This one is from my mentor Raymond Aaron who in each session had us deal with the messes!).
  5. Be happy for someone else’s success even when you are struggling to get your business to the level you desire. What this does is; it raises your energy vibration. (Law of Attraction) and you find yourself manifesting your desires at a faster rate.
  6. Don’t feel bad if someone doesn’t like you. Love yourself!  Remember you are the only person you will have a relationship with for your entire life.  Love, honor and cherish… You!
  7. If family members or friends are not very supportive, try not to let their negativity sap your energy and your desire to succeed. Be focused on succeeding and you will.
  8. Don’t be afraid to say NO if your heart is telling you to. There is power in the word NO if done gracefully.  Saying NO allows you to not give your power away.
  9. Live always in an attitude of deep and profound gratitude. Life will love you back!
  10. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR HEART! Your head may be saying YES to something and your heart is telling you NO.  Your heart is the true compass leading you safely along life’s highway with grace, love and the perfect outcome.

Many Blessing

To your success.







You Are EnoughI am Enough!  We are all enough, because we are unique and special.  No two people are exactly the same.  Each one of us is irreplaceable and exceptionally rare in a species where no two have the same finger prints – not even twins I’m told.

Watching an episode of one of my favourite shows, The Long Island Medium in which her teenage daughter was constantly ‘body shamed’ by her peers reminded me of a prior conversation with a teenager a few years ago.  This young girl was feeling hurt due to having experienced the same treatment from her very close friends at school. This encounter emphasized that it is important to teach our youth, especially the girls, who are so critical of themselves and other girls who they feel do not measure up to the image of what beauty is supposed to look like. e.g. The Air Brushed Fantasy!

Beauty comes in many shapes and sizes.  Criticizing someone for their shape, weight or dress style is very hurtful.  Many have no filters and can be extremely cruel in their criticism of others, quite often to their friends.  What they must be taught in school and at home is that no two people are made exactly the same. Humans come in all shapes, sizes and yes colours as well! And that is where the beauty of diversity is so pronounced and special. They must be taught that EVERYONE  is very special in their uniqueness and it is this difference that makes everyone so special. I feel if they were taught to embrace the diversity in others from a very young age, we would have a far kinder world.

This brings me to another very important fact. Many teenage girls are very hard on themselves.  They want to measure up to what their friend’s idea of perfection is. The Air Brushed Fantasy paraded on the television daily. Imagine being with a healthy, beautiful 14 year old with a lovely unblemished complexion, long vibrant dark hair framing her face constantly saying self-consciously, “I’m so fat”.  Yes. I had that experience and it shocked me. There was this lovely young girl picking at her food because she somehow got it planted in the neuro pathways of her brain that she is fat.  No amount of my telling her she is perfect in every way seemed to reach that part of her brain to boost her self-esteem. I realized it was no use trying, because at that age ones friend’s always knows best. (She is 18 and definitely her own person now).

Social Media and its tentacles reaching far and wide into everyone’s lives have brought with it the era we now define as ‘body shaming’.  Teenagers have to put up with their so called “friends” shaming them without filters even on Face Book.  That can be quite hurtful and damaging to their fragile young egos.  Sadly, there will always be one in every group who takes on the role of the fashion and body shaming Deva.  A tactic used to deflect from their personal insecurity.  That is why It is so important to teach our youth not to be critical of others as well as themselves.

Just because that “look” is what one individual finds they need to define who they are, is no reason to project it on to someone else.  Unfortunately, it is not just among the younger generation.  I had the rude awakening myself when one of my friends kept hinting that she wants to “jazz up my look”. Clothes, hair the lot – a make-over! Bless her heart!  I did not realize that once widowed, one needs to be jazzed up for the “out there look”.  Whatever that is! There is no way I am going to start dressing like a 20 year old because someone else does. I am uniquely me. I have no intention of having my hair styled falling in my face to please someone else. My response is always with a smile and a chuckle, ‘thanks, but no thanks’.

No doubt, if I were a preteen or teenager that would have been a blow to my ego, thinking “what is wrong with my hair”?  Today, I see it for what it is, someone trying to fit me into their preconceived box, while taking away my uniqueness.  It is important we all be uniquely who we are, and not try to imitate another or try to make someone into something they are not.  Let us all celebrate each other’s uniqueness because we are all very special.

I am passionate that we must help the younger generation build confidence in their uniqueness in order to deflect any rude ‘body shaming’ remarks directed at them.  As adults we must instill in them a sense of self love and self- respect.  Admiration that they are Special!  Everyone is Special! Everyone is unique!  We are all Enough!

Here are some verses from I’m Special. I came across I’m Special many years ago and have loved sharing it in workshops and with clients.

I’m Special.  In all the world there is nobody like me.  Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like me.  Nobody has my smile, my eyes, my nose or my voice.

I’m Special.  I’m the only one in all creation who has my set of abilities.  Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I’m good at, but no one in the Universe can reach the quality of my combination of talents, ideas, abilities and feelings.

I’m a Symphony.  Through all of eternity no one will look, talk, walk, think or be like me.

I’m Special.    I’m Rare.   In rarity there is great value.  Because of my great rare value, I need not attempt to copy or imitate another.  I need not feel inferior to anyone because I am unique. I am Rare and I am Special.

May you always walk gently in sandals of Love.


Power Talk

Power Talk

Your way to success in every aspect of your life.

It was 30 years or more ago that I attended a wonderful Seminar by Career Track called Power Talk that alerted me to the power of words and phrases. I was shocked to find out that many of my expressions and the words I used in my daily interactions were considered by the trainer running the course to be Powerless! It was quite a shock to me to realize that I was speaking and not really making an impression. In fact, I lacked what today is called the WOW factor!

That Power Talk Seminar was a life-changing and a life-enhancing experience for me. Here I was the Executive Assistant to the director of Human Resources of a large US company and one of my most important job functions was interviewing and signing up every new employee in Ontario. Of course, we had a company spiel that I followed for inductions. However, after that Seminar, I must admit my presentations were given with flair and a lot more power phrases. I deleted what was termed Powerless phrases, words and expressions from my presentation and injected instead some Power Talk. I started to watch what came out of my mouth, and how I presented the company and its amazing benefits to new employees. I noticed that I held the attention of the inductees 100 percent and it became a dialogue of questions and answers instead of just them listening to the old spiel.

One powerless phrase that the presenter hammered into our heads to get rid of was “I will try!” It is absolutely one of the most powerless phrases there is. Instead, a power talker would say “Do leave it with me ………………..”. Another powerless phrase is “I’m not sure!” a Power Talker would respond positively with something like “It will be interesting to find the answer to that!” I have no doubt we can all think of countless ways to be enthusiastic and answer with Power Talk phrases.

Power Talkers must be aware to use their voice for Emphasis when speaking. It is advisable to not use words that cloud or hide the message you are trying to convey. Speaking too fast and too loud sometimes actually loses the attention of the person or persons you are talking to. They will start tuning you out, so it is advisable to slow down and lower your volume if you want to catch their attention for a point you are making.
Today 30 years later we have progressed on the Power Talk circuit to knowing and understanding the energy of words. We can now consciously delete words from our vocabulary which are considered low vibration or powerless words and instead use only those words that are of a high vibration.

Many of us know from experience that school was not meant to teach us how to succeed in life. I cannot recall any of my teachers explaining that words have energy and that high vibrational words carve a path to succeeding and attaining one’s goals. Today we know that simply by programming the brain using high vibrational words, and phrases, we can attract positive results in our everyday life situations. On the other side of the equation, low vibration words and sentences when used continually only serves to attract negative results.

After the Career Track Seminar, I became the speaker and the watcher. Whenever a negative word or phrase left my lips unconsciously, I made a mental note to not repeat it a second time. Years later when I read Yvonne Oswald’s wonderful book Every Word Has Power, I started using the word Switch to alert me when I unconsciously found myself falling into the low vibration word zone.

In mentoring and presenting Motivational workshops I came to realize there were words and phrases that had to be avoided and deleted from people’s vocabulary. In order to set goals and use only positive life and career-affirming words and phrases, I mentored individuals to totally remove from their daily way of expressing themselves what I termed P.O.M.’s (Poor Old Me) using low vibrational words and phrases. The energy of those words and phrases felt heavy and burdensome. I imagined them weighing the individuals down and keeping them stuck in all areas of their lives. The transformation from low vibration to high vibration words and phrases when they talked made such a huge difference in their lives and careers. Indeed! Words do have power!

I would love for you to share how you changed from Low Vibrational talk to become a Power Talker.



Happy Fall and Thanksgiving

Happy Fall and Happy Thanksgiving. I wrote this Blog some years ago however it is so appropriate at this time. I am resending it because I am in an intense period of CHANGE that is taking up every hour of every day of my life. This Change though expected in everyone’s life, when it comes is often unexpected. I am fully engaged in this Change and am savouring every precious moment. It is profound and a great teacher of selfless love. I know I will be wiser, more compassionate and stronger than ever before when this intense Tide of Change becomes a serene ocean of beautiful memories.

Love and Peace to all.

Namaste Sharon

Autumn a time for Change and Gratitude

Autumn a time for Change and Gratitude

Autumn is the season of change.  As I welcome autumn and as Thanksgiving approaches, I am again reminded of all that I have to be grateful for.  I am grateful for me, myself in all my perfections and imperfections.  That is what makes me unique just like each one of you is so unique.   I hope as you read this you tell yourself how wonderful and unique you are and say how grateful you are for you!

I am blessed to live in a society and culture where there is so much to support a happy and fulfilling lifestyle.  One of the things in my life I am always grateful for is my soft clean beautiful bed and the clean soft sheets, my pillows and yes the pillowcases that cradle my head when I fall off to sleep.  Each night as I snuggle down to sleep I feel so much gratitude for my bed as I bless the day just ended.  It is often the first thank you that comes from my heart as my body prepares to end the day in its warmth and welcoming folds.  That may not seem like a big deal to many people, however to me along with a roof to keep out the rain and the elements it is one of the many, many things I am very grateful for in my life.

I am so happy that this deep gratitude proceeded a conversation I had last year with a group of seniors in the Senior Centre in Newmarket where I attend a Zumba class.  I saw a group of ladies working with a huge collection of plastic milk bags that we all throw in the garbage. There were bags everywhere, and what seemed like junk to me soon became something more amazing than mere words can convey.  These ladies were cutting these bags, preparing them to weave on a giant loom they were working on.  Fascinated I went to take a look and was shown how they weave the plastic into sleeping mats for women in third world countries and this lot was destined for Haiti.  They also made bags for the women and what was so incredible, both the mats and the bags were waterproof. YES! Those useless milk bags that we disposed of in the garbage were being fashioned into the most colourful and thoughtful of gifts for those who lacked the mere necessities of life.  Imagine how happy and grateful those Haitian women were at receiving beautiful plastic mats to sleep on that prevented water from leaking through as they slept on the floor of their mud huts and a waterproof bag to hold their belongings.

There are countless  more things in my life that I am grateful for including my wonderful supportive family that I am blessed with, my husband and our 3 very wise sons, their partners and our forever 3 grandchildren whose knowledge of computers and the latest technology help me to keep up with the rest of the world : ).

There is much gratitude in my heart for the years I have lived on this beautiful earth.  As a late bloomer, I know that In order to blossom and grow towards my full potential it takes work.  Most of all it takes change.  Scary and Necessary…Yes ..Very!

For me, autumn is all about Change and Gratitude and both promotes growth.  It’s a time to rid myself of all that no longer serves me. It means taking stock of all areas of my life physical, emotional, mental, professional and other areas that need attention in order for new growth to flourish.  It means joyously releasing all that will no longer be needed in the next season(s) of my life and trusting the path I have chosen to be for my highest and best.

As one of my favourite poets, Patience Strong wrote: “The best is never over, the best is yet to be.”

What are you most grateful for and what best changes are you looking forward to in the next season of your life?  I would love to hear from you.





Happy Fall everyone.   Enjoy the beauty that is all around us at this time as we enter a Changeperiod of new Change.  It has been awhile since I communicated with you via my monthly Blogs.  In March, Change  (here I am in this Blog personifying change) came into my life while on vacation in Arizona resulting in a shatter/broken right ankle.  Change had some big plans for me as I went from month to month with a slow recovery not realizing at the time that I would end up mastering the art of Patience and finding tremendous Balance in my life.

As I lay waiting to be brought home for surgery, I called/texted severing all links with any business commitments that demanded my time and attention, anything that would distract me from the healing process that lay ahead.  I realized Change was with me to stay.  I felt that I would be laid up for 3 months.  Little did I know that six months to a year was more realistic for healing my ankle injury.  I had no idea what I was about to experience, however I was mentally and emotionally ready and I knew I was about to embark on a journey directed by Change.   I felt as if an adventure was about to begin.  I had no  negative emotions whatever regarding my condition and I felt as if unseen forces were supporting me.

Three days after my accident I was on a stretcher flying home flat on my back in the most fabulous private plane, a White Lear Jet.  I was told this was the plane of choice for the rich and the famous.  Coming home, I was accompanied by 2 medical personnel and the Jet was piloted by a former Air Force female Captain along with her male co-pilot.  We were flying 4,000 feet above commercial flights and arrived in Toronto at 6 a.m.   It was valet service all the way.  We parked in a special hanger at the airport where an ambulance and 2 attendants along with my personal medical team took me straight to my hospital for surgery.  All this thanks to my travel insurance.  Do not leave home without it folks!

Having a shattered right ankle with plates and screws does not allow one to carry on their normal day to day life.  In fact the change from very active to inactive was huge.   I was used to fill every hour of every day with “Do-ing”.  Here I was now just Be-ing and I must admit,  enjoying it!  For 3 months my waking and sleeping position was flat on my back with my right leg/foot in a cast elevated 24/7 and having to depend on someone else for my daily needs.   All my life if I needed something done I would do it myself rather than ask someone else and also I disliked injections.  Well, my friend Change, changed all that because I had to learn to give myself daily injections to prevent blood clots and rely on others for my every need.  That was a major Change!

This Change came at a time when I felt I was at the pinnacle of my life.  Change made me look within and the answers were profound.  Here are some:

  1. Change had been knocking on my door for a long time.  The universe was trying to get my attention.  However, I felt so secure in my day-to-day status quo life I ignored the signs.
  2. If you don’t “listen” to the little voice within to change direction, the universe will give you a swift kick in the rear to get your attention!   WOW!
  3. Always listen to your heart – not your head. Your heart knows what is best for you!

“Heart is truth and head is doubt!”

  1. When Change knocks, even if what is being presented seems financially unstable or unsafe, know that doors will open and opportunities will flow your way that you never imagined!
  2. Learn to say NO gracefully and with a smile. People will respect your decisions and feel safe around you.
  3. Doing nothing is not a crime! In fact that is when your heart gets your attention, speaks to you and puts you on a major highway (of life) when previously you may have been on a side street.
  4. Speak your truth. Be compassionate and kind always.  In doing so, you give others permission to do the same.

Anatole France said  “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.”   What I thought would have been so hard to let go of, was done for me with a broken ankle.   That is why I love Change and welcome it into my life.  It is not always joyful, however it always leaves a precious gift.

Seasons change!  We never hear of summer refusing to change, not allowing autumn to show off her glorious colours.  As humans we too must look forward to change with a positive outlook knowing that Change is there to show us what we can become.  Change steers us towards the bigger picture, thus helping us to reach our potential.   I would love to hear how positive change changed your life.

Be well,



The Power of Forgiveness

forgiveness 2

The gift you give yourself.

This theme has been floating around in my mind for quite some time now and I was very resistant to write a Blog about it.  Why?   I really have no answer, so “why not”!  Here it is.  Many of you may relate to this.  Once given a “message” to do something, it does not leave until you follow through with it.   I got a big push to write this. The universe went so far as to put in my line of vision all sorts of articles on forgiveness, they were jumping out at me for weeks, so dear readers, here goes my take on what I know and what I have learned over the years about The Power of Forgiveness.

Forgiveness.   It is the greatest gift you can give yourself.  Honestly!  Try it!

 When you rid yourself of blaming or resenting another for something they may have done or said to you it is similar to a bag of cement falling from your shoulders.  Just imagine living, walking, working, sleeping, carrying that heavy load day after day. Once the load is gone, you lose pounds – literally. You look lighter and you feel lighter.  Your family and friends will notice the difference and you will feel so much happier.

forgiveness 3Apologizing – another form of forgiveness.  If you’ve offended someone – apologize.  Do not drag around resentment with you like a ball and chain.  It only serves to make you sad and bitter.  It will ultimately show in your facial expression and rob you of joy.  It doesn’t matter who was right. Someone once said:  “Holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die.”  Don’t take that poison.  Forgive, apologize, forget and move on with your life.  You are worth it!

Many are of the opinion that forgiveness releases the person who hurt them from blame, thereby allowing that person to believe that everything is “okay,” and “all is forgiven and forgotten.” Not at all!  You have forgiven.  That does not mean you have forgotten the hurt you experienced. By forgiving, you give yourself “that wonderful gift of peace and harmony.” Also you released the negative energy surrounding the episode that caused you hurt.

Here is something very profound I found in an article that makes so much sense:  Scientists, physicians, and psychologists who have researched the relationship between stress and illness have concluded that the ability or inability to forgive affects the outcome of serious illness. People who have a forgiving nature increase their chances of recovery.

I have heard many people say to me, “I will never forgive or forget” when something happens that makes them sad or angry.  It makes me sad for them, because I sense the bitterness they are holding on to in their lives.  One cannot be at peace while negative energy is choking out the love that wants to reside there.

The only advice I can share in a case like that is “Forgive.  You need not forget! Love yourself and know that every moment you spend upset, anguished, angry or hurt because of someone else’s behaviour, is a moment in which you have chosen to give up control of your life.  You are special! Reclaim your power.  There is no one like you and there never will be”.

Live, Love and LaughI would love to hear your thoughts on forgiveness.

May you always walk gently in sandals of love.



My Garden A Sanctuary of Peace, Stillness and Growth

My Garden - Healing-Path-CentreGreetings!   As summer slowly fades away I prepare to welcome fall and the need to create on a different level.  Always when the trees start to turn and their leaves flutter down to mother earth, I know fall is on its way.  By then, I am ready to bid farewell to my Garden Sanctuary.  Suddenly, there is a stirring of New Beginnings, not unlike my two great nephews who were filled with excitement as they anxiously awaited their first day of the new school year.  The 6 year old eyes sparkled as he told me about his new French Immersion school and his 4 year old brother was thrilled and delighted he was going into JK.  Indeed!  Fall is without a doubt a time of New Beginnings regardless of age.

In my case, fall is when my creative juices start to flow.  I feel revitalized and renewed.  I spent a great deal of my summer communing with nature and mother earth in my personal Garden Sanctuary.  In a matter of weeks my beautiful flower garden and rich bountiful kitchen garden will be no more.  My personal outdoor sanctuary that connects me to all of life, nature and new growth will be a patch of plain earth ready for the winter snow.

However, the cycle of nature is so powerful it allows one to enjoy the gifts of each season while luxuriating in memories of the one just past.  I go forth into fall treasuring the hours I spent communing with nature, planting, reaping, tilling the earth and feeling connected as I watched vegetables and vines grow, blossom and bloom. I continue to feel profound Gratitude for all the abundance nature gave me.

In the Peace and Stillness of nature I watched new growth appear daily, and the butterflies and bees

Enjoy  the nectar from the flowers.   I knew they too were enjoying my garden.  My heirloom tomato trees and vines became burdened with fruit and the beans and Healing Path Centre Vegetablescucumber vines gave richly of their crop.  My Garden Sanctuary is where I spend time each summer recharging and renewing my mental, spiritual and physical “batteries” in preparation for a creative fall.
To truly rejoice in existence, we must also learn to cultivate serenity, joy and beauty in those special places that replenish the soul. When we create a garden sanctuary, we are reminded that we are a part of both nature’s essence and something more.  An outdoor retreat is a place we can surround ourselves in nature and beauty.  There is no drug to replace the tranquility, peace and pleasure of a garden sanctuary and the rewards are too numerous to mention.  I now prepare to look forward to fall and my new beginnings with a clear and creative mind and peace filled spirit.  If you don’t already have a special Sanctuary that renews your soul, make it number one on your “to do” list.  Remember, where ever your heart sings and your soul dances, let that be your Sanctuary!

To your New Beginnings,





Reiki Level 1 Certification Training

ate: Feb 20 & 21
Time: Sat 2-5pm
Sun 10-5pm.
See more on website

Full Moon Circle - Harvesting

Full Moon Circle

Date: Sun 24 Jan
Time: 2 – 4pm
See more on website
























Dreams do come TrueDreams are powerful!  Dreams are inspired pictures of a new future waiting for each of us.   The bigger the Dream – the more powerful the urge to work towards that Dream.  A dream starts out like a tiny seed in the mind and that seed once it is planted needs to be nurtured in order for it to grow and bloom.  When we ignore our dream(s) they often die and a little piece of us dies with it.  I feel that our Creator, Universe, Source Energy, Infinite Mind (whatever you can relate to) will never plant a Dream Seed in your mind without giving you every opportunity and resource needed to accomplish that DREAM.    When you have a dream, pay attention to it! Nurture it! Be assured your dream will one day become an important part of your reality.  I love the following quote:

Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting — and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome. — Abraham

Not so long ago I had the honour of giving the Keynote address to a group of mature students who had big dreams and as mature students/learners they all saw their dreams become their reality.  Their hard work and persistence paid off. They all believed in themselves and followed their Dreams.

Anyone who has been around me for a long time know how passionate I am about Dreams. When it comes to manifesting, visioning and picturing/planning ones future, I feel it is imperative to set Big Goals for your Dreams.   Why?  Read on.

Dreams are persistent!    They don’t go away easily.  I call my dreams “God Whispering” or “The Universe knocking” and often refer to them in workshops as “Infinite Intelligence calling”. Whatever power you relate to, it is important to know that each one of us is being supported towards attaining our dreams and goals.  Dreams come to make us grow and become more than we ever thought possible.

Infinite intelligence makes sure that everyone has dreams and goals.  However, not everyone pays attention to the Whispering, the Knocking and the Calling when they have a dream!   Quite often, life interrupts and people bury their dreams.  There is nothing sadder than a garden of buried forgotten dreams and goals. From my personal experience, when you follow your dream, unseen forces will conspire to assist you in accomplishing them.

There is a famous saying that goes “CONCEIVE – BELIEVE –  ACHIEVE!

CONCEIVE  –  Is the mental VISION of your dream. Hold it close to your heart.  Focus on your vision and “visit” it daily.

BELIEVE – In your dream. Believe you are deserving of having it.  Most of all BELIEVE you have already gotten it!

ACHIEVE – You may have to take the necessary Action Steps needed to Achieving your dreams and goals.   James L. Allen says it beautifully: “The key to happiness is having dreams; the key to success is making them come true.”

Below are some action steps you can take to making your dreams come true:

  1. Know what you desire and VISUALIZE IT. Keep a vivid picture in your mind. Always write it down.
  2. BE PASSIONATE about your dream(s). Passion is energy and energy is a powerful attractor.
  3. TAKE ACTION toward achieving your dream. It may take you out of your comfort zone. Know that there is tremendous growth waiting for you.
  4. KEEP FOCUSED on your dream(s) and unseen forces will conspire to assist you beyond your wildest imagination.
  5. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Don’t let anyone’s opinion of what you can or cannot do influence your decisions.
  6. BE TENACIOUS! Hold fast to your dream(s) knowing in your heart that “Dreams Do Come True!”

“You are today where your thoughts brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.  “James L. Allen

Do share the dreams that you have accomplished and how it has changed your life.  I would love to hear your story.

Until next time, Dream Big and Be Bold!



The Power of Circle

The Power of CircleTo gather in Circle is a sacred event when all minds are focused as one.

King Arthur’s  Knights of the Round Table come to mind as well as more modern Circles that are changing the world where the power of Women gather to lend their support for World Peace, World Hunger  and other challenges the world faces in today’s ever changing and evolving societies. (see The Millionth Circle and Gather the Women, Save the World by Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD.)  Dr. Bolen spoke how the women are joined by some very supportive and powerful men who bring their energies to support the work of the women in Circle.  There are numerous reasons why coming together in Circle is so very powerful.  A circle has no beginning and no end and is often referred to as a symbol of unity and perfection and even protection.

In nature we see the Circle repeated time and time again in wonderful examples of nature’s awesome gifts.  How often do we think of a Full Moon shining in the heavens as a Circle in all its perfection? Indeed!  We experience each month not only a perfect Full Moon, we also experience a beautiful New Moon that brings the waters of the oceans and tides to its fullness.  It is another perfect circle and one that supports farmers, gardeners, and plant life as this is the best time to plant our kitchen gardens and watch our seeds produce an abundant harvest.  It is during the time of the New Moon I love to offer Circle so all who wish to “plant their mental seeds” for their future can feel protected and supported knowing their “mental seeds” will take root and grow and manifest into their lives, energized by the Circle.  In Circle to express Gratitude for everything already received is very powerful.

The Circle is respected as an archetype of wholeness and integration, with the center understood to symbolize Spirit  –  The Source.  This is the beauty of Circle and today more than ever the women of the world are being called to gather in Circle to support each other and to share their wisdom with each member of Circle. Circle is also referred to as the Eternal Ring.  No doubt the wedding band exchanged in the wedding ceremony when two people pledge to support and love each other got its name from the Circle, the Eternal Ring now referred to as an Eternity Ring.  I welcome anyone who has another take on the wedding ring or Circle to share it.

As I sit and write this my mind floated back in time to my Reiki Level One Class over 20 or more years ago. My Reiki Master always had the room set up so the students  and herself  sat in Circle.  It was my first experience of a teacher sitting side by side with students  in Circle and I now honour Circle in all of my classes, especially meditation and Reiki.  I was in awe of her wisdom and humbleness.  Even more so when I realized how fortunate I was to be taught by one of the most experienced cancer care nurses in the United States who had the distinction of having been chosen Holistic Nurse of the year on several occasions.   “No one above, no one below,” was surely her motto.

So why is a Circle so special, so sacred and so powerful!   Here is one example: When we gather and sit in Circle, we recreate this perfection of sacredness.  We get to experience the energy and wisdom of each person sitting in Circle, knowing no one is above, neither is a person below another.  Everyone in the Circle is on the same level.  Each person is considered an equal.  I am told that many cultures use the circle for healing a wrong and the entire village comes out and sits in circle with the wrong doer sitting inside the circle, and they sit in circle until they reach  resolution, which is always for the highest good of all concerned. That is the Power of Circle!

Do share your Circle.  Until next time!



The Power of Human Touch

The Power of Human Touch

The Power of Human Touch

The wonders of the human hand is something we rarely give much thought or time to in our daily lives, yet it is well documented in many studies that without (human) touch babies development and growth become stunted.  I saw a documentary some years ago of children in an orphanage in Europe who never received compassionate or loving touch.  They were fed, changed and left to their own devices for the rest of the day with no other stimulation. It was noted how behind these children were in their growth mentally, emotionally and physically compared to children who were shown affection and love.  It broke my heart as I imagined those babies and small children languishing in cots all day alone in their cold sterile environment forgotten and alone without the touch of a caring, compassionate, loving human hand to soothe them when they cried, or to acknowledge their existence as little human beings.

The Power of Human touch is one of the most basic of human needs. More and more it seems to be frowned on by certain sectors of society in regards to healing and offering compassionate understanding of the human condition.  I am told that in our health care facilities today paperwork is taking priority over patient care and the face of nursing is changing. Then heaven forbid computers and robots will take over from the already stress burdened medical personnel.  Let’s hope that never happens because nothing, No-Thing can replace the Power of the Human Hand and Touch for healing, showing compassion or consoling someone.

In today’s world of stress filled lives and anxiety ridden individuals competing in an ever decreasing job market while balancing work, home and kids,  sometimes their only time to de-stress is through the Power of Touch via the human hand.   Hands-on therapies many of which date back as far as 400 BC will always be in great demand because Touch heals on levels far beyond the physical.  Touch has been known to heal on the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual levels of the human condition.  Human Touch is a great de-stressor.  I often say Medicine cures us! Touch heals us! Both are very important to our existence on this planet.  Some healing touch therapies are: Reiki, Reflexology, Healing Touch, Massage Therapy and Chiropractic  Therapy to name just a few.

As we enter a New Year, make it a new beginning. Let’s not forget the Power of the Human Hand and the way Human Touch can establish a bond of trust between individuals whether in a working relationship, loving relationship, pastor parishioner relationship, client practitioner relationship and especially in a healthcare environment between patient and nurse/practitioner relationship.

There was a song my mother sang when I was a child which speaks volumes to the Power of Touch. This line still plays in my mind:  ‘touch my hair as you pass my chair, little things mean a lot.”  Never underestimate the Power of the Human Hand and The Power of Touch. As we prepare to celebrate this Season of Good Will towards all, hug your kids and loved ones every opportunity you get and if it feels right, offer a hug to a friend in the spirit of this wonderful Season.

Here’s wishing you all a New Year filled with an abundance of all the precious gifts you wish for; Good Health, Happiness, Love, Joy and faithful friends.

