Great sages, spiritual wisdom teachers and many ancient teachings all tell us to Follow Our Hearts. This “cry” has been heard for millennia, and yet in various stages of our lives many of us found it prudent and necessary to nurture the heart and follow the mind. For example, many family “bread winners” have had to overlook the whispering of the heart in order to bring home the bacon, while working in companies where heart is shunned and the mind rules.
It was a great day when I took the Bronze parachute offered me and fixed my compass to steer me through the uncharted waters of a new life and career guided only by my heart’s longing to be of service. In the All Girls High School I attended I was in Brescia House – our colour was Red – Root Chakra. Our House Motto was SERVIAM which is Latin for I Serve, and so with the many Holistic Courses I had been taking over the years for “personal growth” turned out to be my unconscious preparation for a major transition from Mind to Heart Centered work.
Many women share how unhappy they are in the corporate world of “dog-eat- dog” mentality and would like to get the confidence to leave and branch out on their own with a creative endeavour they have set their hearts on. I always tell them, ‘when the time is right you will know, or like myself something will happen to give you a push and the confidence to finally take that leap of faith’.
Here are some important life lessons I learned along life’s highway as an entrepreneur and have had the privilege of sharing with many of my clients and friends. Some you may already know and practice, however repetition is known to be the best teacher in life.
- Your commitment to be of service to others is an important way of defining you and your business. The saying “people may forget who you are but they will never forget how you made them feel”, is so very true.
- Spend more time on the WHO you are, than what you do. What you do will always be less important than who you become. Knowledge is important. However, it will never take the place of your soul light, your heart’s wisdom, your courage, your integrity, or your reputation as someone who can be trusted and who keeps her/his word. Always try to keep your word.
- Life is often filled with challenges and obstacles. When you find yourself challenged, get in the habit of asking yourself the following three questions:
- What is the lesson for me?
- How can I grow from this experience?
- Am I living and fulfilling my Life Purpose?
- Clean out your messes! What is a mess? It is anything that uses up your energy in a non- productive manner. E.g. untidy office, desk, living space, also friends/people who drain your energy – avoid them as much as possible. Anything that scatters or uses your energy stopping you from being productive. That is a mess! In Feng Shui a clear space opens up for all your manifestations and dreams to appear in your life. (This one is from my mentor Raymond Aaron who in each session had us deal with the messes!).
- Be happy for someone else’s success even when you are struggling to get your business to the level you desire. What this does is; it raises your energy vibration. (Law of Attraction) and you find yourself manifesting your desires at a faster rate.
- Don’t feel bad if someone doesn’t like you. Love yourself! Remember you are the only person you will have a relationship with for your entire life. Love, honor and cherish… You!
- If family members or friends are not very supportive, try not to let their negativity sap your energy and your desire to succeed. Be focused on succeeding and you will.
- Don’t be afraid to say NO if your heart is telling you to. There is power in the word NO if done gracefully. Saying NO allows you to not give your power away.
- Live always in an attitude of deep and profound gratitude. Life will love you back!
- ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR HEART! Your head may be saying YES to something and your heart is telling you NO. Your heart is the true compass leading you safely along life’s highway with grace, love and the perfect outcome.
Many Blessing
To your success.